Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Slow, and steady on a Tuesday afternoon.

It's all in the little things we keep; the simple things.

These past few months haven't been about plans, or to-do lists. It has been about the random days, and evenings I've spent with two, maybe three individuals I feel truly honoured to call friends.

I think I'm begining to think of this city as home.

Thank you.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday afternoon

It's funny really, I thought you were someone who didn't care what other people thought. But infact, that's all you care about. I tried to tell you about my past, but you said you would rather be left in the dark about it. I was worried, but fine with it.

Broken romances, are broken for a reason. The very fact that I even tried with you, is a new concept for me. People had been noticing that I was blushing at even the mention of your name. I thought it was a good sign. But, people also warned me about you.

I probably should have listened.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Toronto's first pay-as-you-go washroom?

Located at Queen's Quay, and Rees Street.
25 cents per use.
20 minute time limit.

New haven for the homeless?

Friday, February 19, 2010